From Test-Scratch-Wiki
Libraries are sections in project editors were the user can select an example sprite or background. In Scratch 1.4, some sprites included in the library had premade scripts.
Sprites Library
This library is used to get premade sprites, sometimes including multiple costumes, on projects. There are 329 sprites in the library.
The sprites library contains many example sprites. Every library is sorted into categories. The sprites library is sorted into the following categories. Animals, Fantasy, Letters, People, Things, and Transportation.
The sprites library is sorted into the following themes. Castle, City, Flying, Holiday, Music and Dance, Space, Sports, Underwater and Walking.
Only the sprites and costumes library are sorted into types, which are the following. All types, Bitmap, or Vector.
Backdrops Library
This library is used to get premade backdrops on projects. There are 96 backdrops in the library.
The backdrops library is sorted into the following categories. All categories, Indoors, outdoors, and other.
The backdrops library is sorted into the following categories. Castle, City, Flying, Holiday, Music and Dance, Nature, Space, Sports and Underwater.
Sounds Library
This library is used to get pre-made sounds on projects. Sounds can be previewed by clicking the play button to the right of the desired sound. There are 118 sounds in the library.
The sounds library is separated into the following categories. All categories, Animal, Effects, Electronic, Human, Instruments, Music Loops, Percussion, and Vocals.
Costumes Library
It has the same features as the Sprites Library except it only has single premade costumes and not multiple premade costumes. There are 626 costumes in the library. It can be sorted in to the same categories, themes and types as the sprite library.
Extensions Library
The extensions library is where all extensions are located. Extensions include PicoBoard and Lego WeDo.