This article or section documents a feature not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.
Note was a block from Scratch 1.3.0, released on September 2, 2008. It was removed in the 1.3.1 release, on November 21 that year. It reported an approximation of the note coming in from user's computer's microphone, and was likely cut from the later release due to glitches. This block is not recognized by any current Scratch players today.[1]
Example Uses
Note: | Due to the block being outdated, it appears as a variable in the Scratchblocks generator below. |
reset timer
delete (all v) of [song v]
delete (all v) of [song loudness v]
repeat until <(timer) > (10)> //record for 10 seconds
add (note) to [song v]
add (loudness) to [song loudness v]
set [i v] to (0)// counter variable
repeat (length of [song v])
set volume to (item (i) of [song loudness v])
play note (item (i) of [song v]) for (...) beats
if <(note) < (10)>
say [You sound like me!] for (2) secs
set [modifiedNote v] to ((note) * (2))
playback //Category=custom
See Also
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