From Test-Scratch-Wiki

Archive.png This article or section documents a feature not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

The Smalltalk System Browser is what is used to program each and every class, much like the scripting pane in Scratch.

Accessing the System Browser

The area to be shift-clicked.

1. Shift-click the rounded bit of the R in the Scratch logo (look at the top left corner).

2. Click "Turn fill screen off".

3. Click the white area that appears at the right and bottom of the window.

4. Click open....

5. Click browser

6. The System Browser appears

Using the System Browser

The Scratch System Browser opened on the method for the 'About Scratch' dialog.
A Scratch Frame comment.

It has 8 sections, 3 of which are buttons. The first part, which is labeled "Scratch-UI-Panes", is just a category. It has absolutely no reference in the code except for the Class definition.

The second section, "ScratchFrameMorph" is a Class, where you can edit the class name, the category it appears in, along with class and instance variables, etc. This particular class happens to be the entire Scratch frame (Everything you see when using the program).

The next pane is just another categorization, but this time for methods. The final pane at the top is for putting methods in; they have to go somewhere!

The large text area at the bottom of the browser is where the method, class definition, and class comment will appear, depending on the path you took. It can be edited by changing the text to whatever is needed, and either pressing Alt + "S" on your keyboard or right clicking on the text box and selecting the option "accept".

The last three areas are the buttons. The one labeled "instance" lets you look at all of the instance methods, while the "class" button enables you to look and edit the class side methods. And last, but not least, the button labeled with a question mark (?) displays class comments.

See Also

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