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Template:Block frame
Um instrumento é um sample de instrumento musical que é utilizado no Scratch com o bloco
Play Note () for () Beats para produzir notas.
Há 131 notas disponíveis no Scratch, variando da nota 0, um C baixo, para a nota 130, um B♭ alto. As notas funcionam como um piano, mas existem mais opções de instrumentos.
Estão disponíveis para uso 21 instrumentos:
- Piano
- Electric Piano
- Organ
- Guitar
- Electric Guitar
- Bass
- Pizzicato
- Cello
- Trombone
- Clarinet
- Saxophone
- Flute
- Wooden Flute
- Bassoon
- Choir
- Vibraphone
- Music Box
- Steel Drum
- Marimba
- Synth Lead
- Synth Pad
Related Blocks
set instrument to ( v)
sets the instrument number.
play note () for () beats
plays the set instrument.
Sound Effects
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This article or section documents a feature not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective. |
Scratch 1.4 had a range of sound effects for use; these included everyday sounds such as a telephone ring, and sounds for other genres, such as a gunshot. These sound effects were not controlled by notes in the same way as instruments; rather, with these instruments, the given note affected the pitch of the sound. Unpitched percussion instruments, such as the woodblock, were also affected this way.
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