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Template:Block frame Um instrumento é um sample de instrumento musical que é utilizado no Scratch com o bloco Play Note () for () Beats para produzir notas.

Há 131 notas disponíveis no Scratch, variando da nota 0, um C baixo, para a nota 130, um B♭ alto. As notas funcionam como um piano, mas existem mais opções de instrumentos.


Estão disponíveis para uso 21 instrumentos:

  1. Piano
  2. Electric Piano
  3. Organ
  4. Guitar
  5. Electric Guitar
  6. Bass
  7. Pizzicato
  8. Cello
  9. Trombone
  10. Clarinet
  11. Saxophone
  12. Flute
  13. Wooden Flute
  14. Bassoon
  15. Choir
  16. Vibraphone
  17. Music Box
  18. Steel Drum
  19. Marimba
  20. Synth Lead
  21. Synth Pad

Related Blocks

set instrument to ( v) sets the instrument number.

play note () for () beats plays the set instrument.

Sound Effects

Archive.png This article or section documents a feature not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

Scratch 1.4 had a range of sound effects for use; these included everyday sounds such as a telephone ring, and sounds for other genres, such as a gunshot. These sound effects were not controlled by notes in the same way as instruments; rather, with these instruments, the given note affected the pitch of the sound. Unpitched percussion instruments, such as the woodblock, were also affected this way.

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