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Archive.png This article or section documents a feature not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

在本教程中,我们将解释如何捕获脚本的图像并将您的Scratch积木块的图像文件保存到您的计算机。目前,只有Scratch 1.4编辑器可以直接保存脚本的图像。



A screenshot of the menu that appears when you right-click the Scripts Area.

Note Note: This no longer works with the current version of Scratch.

The easiest way to save an image file is to right-click in the Scripts Area and press the "save picture of scripts" button. This method is the easiest, however, it does not offer the best resolution possible, because it saves the images in a .gif file format. .gif files are indexed to a certain set of 256 colors, which causes the colors of the blocks in these images to change slightly. Even though .gif files have their shortcomings, this method can still be used to create clear block images.

The added gray area.

Prior to Scratch 1.4, this feature did not work correctly, and added a gray area around the image.

Image Editing Method

Main page: Help:Script image editing

This method is a more difficult and tedious method of taking images of scripts. First, you will have to take a screenshot of your script. Once you have your screenshot, open the screenshot in your preferred image editor. You will now have to remove the background of your scripts. Once done you must save the image, preferably in the .png file format. This method, however, is more time consuming, but it may produce a clearer image.

Scratch Editing Method

In this method, the System Browser must be opened and edited. Navigate to Scratch-UI-Panes >> ScratchScriptEditorMorph >> menu/button ops.


Paste in the following code:

	| t1 t2 |
	t2 _ pageViewerMorph contents screenshot.
	t1 _ ScratchFileChooserDialog
				chooseNewFileDefault: ''
				title: 'Save Scripts Snapshot'
				type: #scriptsSnapshot.
	t1 = #cancelled ifTrue: [^ self].
	t1 size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self].
	(t1 asLowercase endsWith: '.png')
		ifFalse: [t1 _ t1 , '.png'].
	t2 writePNGFileNamed: t1

Accept. (Right-click and choose accept or press Alt + S.)

Go to the method scriptsMenu:. Replace it with the following code:

scriptsMenu: t1 
	| t2 t3 |
	self target ifNil: [^ self].
	t2 _ CustomMenu new.
	t2 add: 'clean up' action: #cleanUp.
	t2 add: 'save picture of scripts (PNG)' action: #saveScriptsToPNG.
	t2 add: 'save picture of scripts (GIF)' action: #saveScriptsToImage.
	t2 add: 'add comment' action: #addComment:.
	t3 _ t2 localize startUp.
	t3 ifNil: [^ self].
	t3 = #addComment:
		ifTrue: [self perform: t3 with: t1]
		ifFalse: [self perform: t3]

You may notice it only adds the line:
t2 add: 'save picture of scripts (PNG)' action: #saveScriptsToPNG.
This calls the saveScriptsToPNG method we just made. Accept. Save image for end user.

When the Scripts Area is clicked, the following menu will come up: Save scripts as PNG or GIF.PNG
The "save picture of scripts (PNG)" works exactly the same as a GIF but saves in a different file format.

PNG Only

If a GIF will never be wanted, the saveScriptsToImage method can be changed to the following:

	| t1 t2 |
	t2 _ pageViewerMorph contents screenshot.
	t1 _ ScratchFileChooserDialog
				chooseNewFileDefault: ''
				title: 'Save Scripts Snapshot'
				type: #scriptsSnapshot.
	t1 = #cancelled ifTrue: [^ self].
	t1 size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self].
	(t1 asLowercase endsWith: '.png')
		ifFalse: [t1 _ t1 , '.png'].
	t2 writePNGFileNamed: t1

The scriptsMenu: method need not be edited.

Type PNG or GIF

In this method, it opens the regular dialog, and saves as a PNG unless the filename is specified to end with ".gif".

Replace the saveScriptsToImage method with the following code:

	| t1 t2 |
	t2 _ pageViewerMorph contents screenshot.
	t1 _ ScratchFileChooserDialog
				chooseNewFileDefault: ''
				title: 'Save Scripts Snapshot'
				type: #scriptsSnapshot.
	t1 = #cancelled ifTrue: [^ self].
	t1 size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self].
	(t1 asLowercase endsWith: '.gif')
		| (t1 asLowercase endsWith: '.png') ifFalse: [t1 _ t1 , '.png'].
	(t1 asLowercase endsWith: '.gif')
		ifTrue: [t2 writeGIFFileNamed: t1]
		ifFalse: [t2 writePNGFileNamed: t1]

If simply "Filename" or "Filename.png" is typed, it will save as a PNG, but if "Filename.gif" is typed, it will be a GIF file.

The scriptsMenu: method need not be edited.


The GIF image is very slightly darker colored than the PNG image, but the difference is barely noticeable.

This is the GIF image.
This is the PNG image.
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