From Test-Scratch-Wiki

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TOC website.png 目录 > Scratch网站

单击 网站目录 查看Scratch 网站目录。
单击 论坛目录 查看Scratch 论坛目录。

    Website Skin.png
Scratch Logo on Front Page.pngCreate nav tab.pngExplore nav tab.pngDiscuss nav tab.pngHelp nav tab.pngSearch Bar.pngMessages!.pngMy Stuff nav tab.pngScratcher nav tab.png

What's Happening?.png
Scratch News.png

Featured Projects 2.0.png

Featured Studios.png

Curator Row 2.0.png

Scratch Design Studio 2.0.png

Recently Shared Projects.png

Projects By Scratchers I'm Following.png

Projects Loved by Scratchers I'm Following.png

Projects in Studios I'm Following.png

The What the Community is Remixing row 2.0.png

What the Community is Loving.png

Bottom nav bar.png

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