From Test-Scratch-Wiki

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Scratch 表情符号是一种视觉情感符号,它允许人们互联网留言时使用,可用于项目、论坛、网站等地方。表情符号不能用于项目描述。要输入一个表情符号,可以输入表情符号所对应的关键字。


表情符号是在不同的时间点分别添加的。它们仅在Scratch 2.0.


2011年中旬[citation needed],有许多Scratch网友发现发表"_meow_"的评论中,其编码将会被一个含有Scratch猫的表情符号所代替。那时起,该符号的使用变得更普遍,使得多人询问如何才能发表该符号。

_gobo_ and _waffle_

The two icons.

It has been discovered on Scratch 2.0[citation needed] that people could make two more icons like the "_meow_" icon with the "_gobo_" and _waffle_" icons.


Archive.png This article or section documents a feature not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

On April Fools' Day of 2013 a Pico head emoji was created,[1] but it's no longer available now.


Semicolon Emoticon.png

On April Fools' Day of 2014[citation needed], a new emoticon was discovered. It possibly references the Semicolon Glitch, although it was later removed.[2] All instances of the icon were replaced with just the semicolon text character (;) after April Fools.

This emoticon returned 2 years later in the April Fools' Day of 2016 with the new "confetti effect".

_taco_, _eggplant_, _sushi_, _apple_, _broccoli_, and _pizza_

Edible Emojis.jpg

On April Fools' Day of 2015, 6 emoticons were revealed and represented food since the theme was "Edible Scratch". Unlike 2014, the new emoticons were kept and can still be used. In February 2018, the _eggplant_ emoji was removed for unknown reasons, possibly because of its inappropriate usage.



This emoticon was added on January 29, 2016, in honor of Scratch Team member RjLance, who left the Scratch Team. He used the emoticon a lot in conversations with other Scratch Team members.[3]


The confetti effect

This emoticon was added on February 23, 2016, in celebration of 10 million registered users. When hovering over the emoticon, confetti used to burst out over the page, though the process couldn't be repeated until the effect was over. It was designed by Scratch Team member Designerd and the confetti effect was implemented by Raimondious.[4] However, the effect is no longer available. Occasionally, the emoji will glitch and 'break' the page.[5] When it was introduced, there was a typo in the code which caused it to not work again for a while after each time it ran for some users. The confetti effect now seems to be discontinued.[6]

Some of the new emoticons for April Fools Day 2016.

_map_, _suitcase_, _camera_, _compass_, and _binoculars_

These emoticons were added on April 1st, 2016, to go with the April Fools theme for 2016. Similar to the food emoticons, it is likely that these will not be removed.



On April Fools' Day of 2017, a new emoji was discovered. All instances of the icon were replaced with the text "triangle eye" after April Fools' Day.[7]

10 year anniversary emojis

In May 2017, more conventional emojis for Scratch's 10th year anniversary were created[8][citation needed] They were created by Scratch team member Designerd.


Emoji Keyword Result
_meow_ Meow.png
_gobo_ Gobo emoji.png
_waffle_ Waffle Emoji.png
_semicolon_ (no longer available) or _;_ Semicolon Emoticon.png
_taco_ Taco emoji.png
_eggplant_ (no longer available) Eggplant emoji.png
_sushi_ Sushi emoji.png
_apple_ Apple emoji.png
_broccoli_ Broccoli emoji.png
_pizza_ Pizza emoji.png
_candycorn_ Candycorn.png
_10mil_ 10milemoji.png
_map_ Map emoji.png
_camera_ Camera emoji.png
_suitcase_ Suitcase emoji.png
_compass_ Compass.png
_binoculars_ Binoculars.png
_ksllxmfcai_ (no longer available) Ksllxmfcai-emoji.png
_cupcake_ Cupcake.png
_:)_ or _=^..^=_ Cat-emoji.png
_:D_ Aww-cat-emoji.png
_B)_ Cool-cat-emoji.png
_:P_ Tongue-out-cat-emoji.png
_;P_ Wink-cat-emoji.png
_:'P_ Lol-cat-emoji.png
_P:_ Upside-down-cat-emoji.png
_:3_ Huh-cat-emoji.png
_<3_ Love-it-cat-emoji.png
_**_ Fav-it-cat-emoji.png
_:))_ Rainbow-cat-emoji.png
_:D<_ Pizza-cat-emoji.png

Emojis on the Forums

Scratch emojis can't be used on the forums, but images of the emojis can be used with BBCode.[9] For a list of all the codes to create images of emojis, see this post.


Note Note: For emojis that include a letter, such as :P or :O, capitalization matters. For example, :P would become Template:Tongue, but :p would not.

Emoji Keyword Result
:) Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:| Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:( Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:D Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:O Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
;) Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:/ Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:P Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:lol: Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:mad: Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:rolleyes: Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E
:cool: Emogi redirection page
  1. REDIRECT Template:E

Scratch Wiki 上的表情符号

表情符号 可以用在 Scratch Wiki 上,不过所用的代码是不同的,而且对于近期的更新也尚未添加(_suitcase_、_camera_、_compass_,还有_binoculars_)。若要了解如何在 Scratch Wiki 上使用 表情符号,请参见 Template:Emoji


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