From Test-Scratch-Wiki
- This article or section documents an outdated version of Scratch (version Eng:3.0). For this article in Scratch Eng:1.4, see Eng:Scratch Statistics (Eng:1.4).
The Scratch statistics page displays a wide variety of stats solely related to Scratch. It was released on October 15, 2013.[1] It shows statistics from the beginning of Scratch in May 2007 to the present day. There are a total of seven statistics trends or charts displayed on the page. One particular feature is the ability to click or rollover on a specific point on the graph and see the values of the data in that particular point or time. Most of the data taken in at account creation go solely towards statistics.
Monthly Activity Trends
This graph shows data of how many projects, users, and comments are posted monthly onto the Eng:Scratch Website. The graph shows intervals of eight months, dating back to May 2007. However, the line graph still displays accurate data between each interval for the lengthy time period not specifically labeled.
Monthly Active Users
This line graph displays data about how many users are active monthly on the Scratch website, using the eight-month intervals the other graphs have. The graph is divided into two lines: project creators and comment creators.
Age Distribution of New Scratchers
This bar graph displays the number of Scratchers of each particular age at their time of registration, ranging from 0 to 80 years. The age with the most registrations is 12, followed closely by 11.
Scratchers Worldwide
This particular data is displayed as a Mercator projection of the globe, with various shades depicting the amount of Scratchers in a particular area. The Scratchers of Greenland and Antarctica are shown as a separate country, while Western Sahara is shown as part of Morocco. Also, North Cyprus is shown as separated, but there is not a Scratcher because it is not shown on Location settings.
The more Scratchers a country has, the darker it is shaded in the map, thus countries with high population are often shaded darker, while countries with smaller populations or a low number of Scratchers are shown more lightly colored. On mouseover, information about the country's name, the number of Scratchers in this country, and the percentage of these Scratchers on the total number of Scratchers are shown. The United States, which has 47% of the world's Scratchers, is the country with the most Scratchers. Many Scratchers choose Antarctica as their home country (to hide their real country), but because nobody is native to the continent, the number of Scratchers whose location is there is shown as 0.
There is a bug that causes the info box to flicker when the mouse moves over a country. The cause is unknown.
This graph displays the number of monthly projects that are shared onto the Scratch website. The data is divided into two sections: "New Projects", which show projects that were created without remixing, and "Remix Projects", which are projects Eng:remixed from other projects. This graph can be viewed in either a stacked, stream, or expanded form.
Monthly Comment Activity
This graph displays the number of monthly comments and their types posted onto the Scratch website. The data is divided among project, studio, and profile comments. This graph can be viewed in either a stacked, stream or expanded view.
Scratch Block Usage (2.0)
This article or section documents a feature not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective. |
This graph displayed how frequently various Scratch blocks are used, based on a random sample. This information was displayed in a pictograph where the more frequently a Scratch block is used, the larger its corresponding pictograph block was. Each pictograph block was colored according to the category of its corresponding block, and clicking on a category of blocks allowed for zooming in and out on the category.
This graph was available in Scratch 2.0 Website, but it is no longer available.
Data Date Information
At the bottom-right of each graph, there is a small "i" (for "information") which will display the date the shown data was retrieved. The statistics page is updated at times, and the date the information was retrieved provides the validity of the data to the present.