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Set Pen Size to ()
2.0 Set Pen Size to ().png
Category Pen
Type Stack

The Set Pen Size to () block is a Pen block and a Stack block. The block sets the pen's size to the specified amount.

The pen draws a trail of circles. The diameter of the circle, in pixels, is equal to the pen size.

256 pen sizes, from 0 to 255. This is the maximum in the Flash Player.

Example Uses

In art projects where users draw things, the pen size may want to be chosen — this block does the job.

Some common uses for the Set Pen Size by () block:

  • Repeatedly choosing the pen size while the pen is being used to create interesting art
  • Choosing pen sizes for an art program
  • In projects that draw objects with the pen, choosing the size of the object(s)

See Also

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