From Test-Scratch-Wiki
Real Scratch Wikis are Scratch Wikis that exist in their own domain or subdomain. They existed years before the Test Wiki was set up (in 9/2015). The original Scratch Wiki was the English one originally started at Wikia by some young Scratchers, for a time hosted by the Scratch Team at the MIT Media Lab Lifelong Kindergarten Group, and now on the same servers as this wiki.
The DACH, INDO, RU, JA, HU and the NL Scratch-Wikis were set up later as sister projects by the international Scratch Community mainly driven by the DACH-Scratch-Wikians.
There are currently Scratch Wikis in 8 different languages. Additionally, there are Test Scratch Wikis in lots of other languages that will eventually become Real Scratch Wikis when they are strong enough to survive.
Because the membres of the Scratch Community saw - after the first successes with the DACH and INDO Wiki - how difficult it is for the starting Scratch-Wikians to build up their Wiki and their Wiki-Community, they decided not to set up separate Wikis for starters anymore, but to use this Test Scratch Wiki as a "Scratch Wiki Incubator" where starters will get help and coaching from the International Community until their Scratch-Wiki "can stand on its own feet".
Every Scratcher who wants help to build a Scratch Wiki in his own language can apply for an account at the Test Wiki to create a new Wiki or to join one in his own language. Every Real Scratch Wiki has his own subdomain (previously its own domain) with as many namespaces as needed and they use all the same kind of namespaces for Interwiki, to connect articles about the same things in different languages, like in Wikipedia. E.g.: "en:", "de:", "id:", "ru", "ja", "hu:", "nl:", "fr:"
Learn more at International-Scratch-Wiki-FAQ.