From Test-Scratch-Wiki


Viki Çarşambası Viki editörlerinden gelen önerilerle Scratch Takımı tarafından yürütülen bir Scratch Haberleri serisidir ve her ayın son Çarşambası değişik dillerdeki Scratch Vikilerden birer makaleyi ön plana çıkarmak için kullanılmaktadır. Güncellemelerin her biri Scratch Haberleri sekmesinde ve Announcements forumunda yayınlanmaktadır. Bir makale ön plana çıkarıldığında, spam ve vandalizmi önlemek için normal kullanıcılardan korunmaktadır.

Bir Makale Seçme

Tarihsel olarak (Eylül 2017'den önce)

About a week before the last Wednesday of the month, an administrator from each wiki made a post in their wiki's Community Portal asking for Wiki Wednesday article suggestions. It is suggested that these articles have good content, have images, and follow wiki standards.

Wiki editors then proposed and discussed article suggestions.

One to two days before the last Wednesday of the month, the article suggestions of a wiki would be considered by the wiki's administrators and optionally LiFaytheGoblin. The article that was viewed as the best would be sent to the Scratch Team for approval. If it is accepted, the article would be featured in Wiki Wednesday. Otherwise, the wiki would have to suggest another article.

Tarihsel olarak (Ocak 2018'den önce)

Wiki editors could suggest articles on Scratch Wiki:Wiki Wednesday Suggestions at any time. It is still suggested that these articles have good content, at least some images, and follow wiki guidelines.

Any wiki editor could also comment on the discussions for other articles, and discuss the merits of featuring the article.

One to two days before the last Wednesday of the month, the article suggestions on Scratch Wiki:Wiki Wednesday Suggestions would be considered by the admins, who would pick an article and send it to the Scratch Team. The article would then be sent to the rest of the team for approval. If it was accepted, the article would appear on the Wiki Wednesday forum post. Otherwise, the admins would choose another article.

Şu anda (Ocak 2018'den sonra)

Any Scratch user can suggest an article on the forum topic at any time. The guidelines for suggested articles remain the same: they should have good content, some images, and follow wiki guidelines.

Any Scratch user can also discuss other suggested articles and the merits of featuring them.

A few days before the last Wednesday of the month, the article suggestions on the forum topic will be considered by the admins, who will pick an article and send it to the Scratch Team & MakeTheBrainHappy. The article will then be sent around to the rest of the team for approval. If it is accepted, the article will appear on the Wiki Wednesday forum post. Otherwise, the admins will have to choose another article.

If any Wikian has any recommendations for the format of the posts, then they should send their suggestions to MakeTheBrainHappy, who helps the Scratch Team develop the final post.

Önceki Viki Çarşambaları

Aşağıda Türkçe sayfaların Viki Çarşambası'nda gösterilme tarihleri verilmiştir.

Note Note: 29 Mayıs 2019'dan önce önerilenler listelenmemiştir.
29 Mayıs 2019 Tur:Scratch Viki
27 Mayıs 2020 Tur:Scratch Ekibi
30 Haziran 2021 Tur:Kullanıcı Adı
25 Ağustos 2021 Tur:Yapay Zeka
26 Ocak 2021 Tur:Yön (blok)
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