From Test-Scratch-Wiki
This is a list of terms, abbreviations, and acronyms on commonly used on the Scratch Forums (as well as other forums), to help Scratchers understand posts better.
- 46s: Miscellaneous forum (because of the forum ID number)[[Eng:#Notes|*]]
- AAS: All About Scratch forum[[Eng:#Notes|*]]
— Not used much anymore, since that forum was replaced with the Questions About Scratch forums
- ASAP: As Soon As Possible
- AT: Advanced Topics forum[[Eng:#Notes|*]], also Art Trade
- AF: April Fools
- AFK: Away From Keyboard
- AFAIK: As Far as I Know
- ATer: Someone whose active in the Advanced Topics forum
- ATM: At The Moment
- AMV: Animated Music Video
- BBCode: Markup language for forums
- BTW: By The Way
- Bump: This is being posted to bring this post to the top of the list
- BRB: Be Right Back
- BYOB: Build Your Own Blocks
- Bio, a biography on a someone, usually a fictional character
- Collab: Abbreviation for Collaboration
- C&P: Copy and Paste
- CYOA: Create-your-own-adventure, a type of RPG
- Ceebs/CB: Ceebee (Scratch Team member)
- CC: Coloring Contest, a type of contest in which participants have to color the provided line art
- DTA: Draw to Adopt
- FPS:
- First Person Shooter (game)
- Frames Per Second, when rendering something with the pen, such as a raycaster
- FTFY: Fixed That For You
- FYI: For Your Information
- FTW: "For the Win!"; showing that something is very well done.
- FNAF: Five Nights at Freddy's, a horror game that became very controversial, and enventually restricted on Scratch
- G2G/GTG: Got To Go/Gotta go
- HS: Homestuck, a web comic
- IDC: I Don't Care
- IDEK: I Don't Even Know
- IDK: I Don't Know
- IKR: I Know, Right
- IMHO: In My Humble/Heart's/Honest Opinion
- IMO: In My Opinion
- IIRC: If I Recall/Remember Correctly
- JK: Just Kidding
- LOL: Laugh/Laughing Out Loud
- MFG: Multi File Game, a type of game somewhat popular in the Text-based games forum
- Mod:
- Scratch modification[[Eng:#Notes|*]]
- Community Moderator
- MaC: An abbreviation for the Things I'm Making and Creating forum.[[Eng:#Notes|*]]
- MAP: Multiple Animators Project, an animation collab
- n00b: Newbie (novice) 'noob', 'newb', 'nub' is a variation of it
- Ninjaed/Ninja'd: See Outposted
- Necro: Necropost
- [/offtopic]: Get back on topic, conversation has strayed
- This is meant to resemble closing BBCode: a tag with a slash inside brackets generally means ending some property, in this case, offtopicness.
- Outposted: somebody posted more or less the same thing right before you, usually by only a few seconds, also known as Ninjaed/Ninja'd
- OC: Original character, a character which belongs to a particular user
- Read Scratch Trends#Animal OC for more information
- P2See/P2S/P2C/Paddle: Paddle2See (Scratch Team member)[[Eng:#Notes|*]]
- PMV: Picture Music Video, a music video which only uses pictures to tell the story; this is also known as "Pony Music Video", an AMV using characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- QaS: Questions about Scratch forum[[Eng:#Notes|*]]
- RC: Really Cool
- ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing (see also "LOL")
- RPG: Role-playing-game, see TBG
- RaP: Abbreviation for the Things I'm Reading and Playing forum.[[Eng:#Notes|*]]
- SDS: Scratch Design Studio[[Eng:#Notes|*]]
- Sig: Short for signature
- Siggy: Signature
- ST: Scratch Team[note 1]
- Speak/SV: Speakvisually (Scratch Team member)
- support: see "+1"
- TBD: To Be Determined/Decided
- TBG: Text-Based-Games, Text-based Games forum[[Eng:#Notes|*]]
- TBR: To Be Released
- TBC: To Be Continued.
- UT: Undertale, an indie roleplaying game
- @ : the following text is directed towards the specified user: @Username: That's a good point!
- +1: I agree, usually used in the Suggestions forum
- -1: I disagree, opposite of +1.
- ↑ Mostly used on Scratch Forums.