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Move () Steps
2.0 Move () Steps.png
Category Motion
Type Stack
Introduced in 1.0
Assuming the black grid shows individual pixel positions, using a move 1 step gets the Scratch cat to the red circle, its final position along the circle depending on its direction. Moving 2 steps gets to orange, and moving 3 steps gets to green.

The Move () Steps block is a Motion block and a Stack block. The block moves its sprite forward the specified amount of steps in the direction it is facing. A step is equal to one pixel length. The block actually uses Trigonometry to move in the proper direction, as that is how a computer handles it.

Example Uses

Instead of using complicated scripts with the Change X by () block and the Change Y by () block, this block can be easily used to move a sprite forward.

Some common uses for the Move () Steps block:

  • Making sprites move

Template:Beginner's Script

  • Moving a sprite forward in an animation
repeat (10)
 move (10) steps
  • Making a sprite follow the mouse
 point towards [mouse-pointer v]
 move (10) steps


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

This block can be replicated with the following code:

go to x: ((x position) + (([sin v] of (direction)) * (number))) y: ((y position) + (([cos v] of (direction)) * (number))

See Also

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