From Test-Scratch-Wiki

The Recently Shared Projects section on the Front Page.

The Recently Shared Projects section on the shows recently uploaded projects. It is only shown for logged-in Scratchers, and is the 5th row of the Front Page.


The old row.

Prior to Scratch 2.0, this section was called "Newest Projects" and was at the top of the Front Page. During the first few weeks of 2.0, it was called "What the Community is Sharing".

The section was removed from the front page on August 2007, due to complaints of inappropriate projects being shown on the front page.[1] It was returned on the Front Page renovations of May 31, 2009, but only for users logged in to the website.[2]

In mid-November 2010, the project display system was changed to the current one — random selection; previously it would display the three most recently uploaded projects every five minutes, leaving out many projects.[3]

The glitch where no projects were shown.

Sometimes it would glitch, and not show any projects.[4]


This row is usually criticized and has been suggested to be removed many times.[5][6] This is because of complaints of inappropriate projects appearing on the front page and usually a base for projects which users do not find interesting.[7] The Scratch Team made no comment on the issue, mostly because it helps Scratchers discover new projects and has been here for a long time.


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