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Bu sayfa veya bölüm Scratch'in şu anki versiyonunu (versiyon 3.0) belgeler. Scratch 1.4 versiyonundaki sayfa için Tur:Scratch Tartışma Forumları (1.4) sayfasına bakınız.
Bu madde Scratch'teki ana forumlar hakkındadır. Metin Tabanlı Oyun Forumları ile ilgili bilgi için, Metin Tabanlı Oyun Forumları sayfasına bakınız.
A picture of the Scratch Forums

Tartışma Forumları, Scratch programı veya sitesi için Scratch Sitesi'nde Scratch'çilerin başkalarına projelerini gösterebileceği, yardım isteyebileceği veya fikir önerebileceği bir forum'dur. Bazı Scratch'çiler, forumlarda düzenli olarak gönüllü olmayı tercih eder.

Forumlara Erişim

Yukarıda belirtildiği gibi, forumlar site alt bilgisindeki "Topluluk"un altında bulunabilir.[1] 5 Temmuz 2017'ye kadar üstbilgideki bir bağlantı aracılığıyla forumlara erişilebiliyordu. Bağlantının kaldırılması, yeni kullanıcıların forumları bulamayacağına dair birçok şikayete neden oldu.[2]

Menü Çubuğu

Forumlardaki menü çubuğu, Scratch logosunun altında "Discuss Scratch" kelimelerinin altındadır ve bir seçeneği vardır, Discussion Home. Bu, kullanıcının forum ana sayfasına hızlı bir şekilde erişmesini sağlar.

Forum Kategorileri

Birçok forum kategorisi var. Bunlar, "Scratch'e Hoş Geldiniz", "Scratch Projeler Yapmak", "Scratch Hakkında", "Scratch'in Ötesindeki İlgi Alanları" ve "Diğer Dillerde Scratch" olarak gruplandırılmıştır.

Her forum kategorisi grubu, forum kategorileri grubunun sağ üst köşesindeki + veya - işaretine tıklanarak büyütülüp küçültülebilir.

Scratch'e Hoş Geldiniz

Scratch'e Hoş Geldiniz kategorisi aşağıdaki iki foruma sahiptir:

  • Announcements: "Scratch Ekibinden Güncellemeler." Burada yalnızca Scratch Ekibi yeni konular yayınlayabilir. Sitede büyük bir güncelleme olduğunda, Scratch'in yeni sürümleri, site değişiklikleri, kapalı kalma süresi, Scratch olayları veya bir anket duyurusu gibi, herkesin bilmesi için yayınlanır

—. Buradaki konular, bir süre açık kaldıktan sonra her zaman Scratch Ekibinin bir üyesi tarafından kapatılır.

  • New Scratchers: "Yeni Scratch'çileri Scratch topluluğuna davet etmek için bir forum. Scratch'te yeniyseniz, lütfen buraya merhaba yazın! (İngilizce.)" Burası yeni kullanıcılar için yaratılmıştır ve ayrıca Yeni Scratch'çilerin kendilerini tanıtabileceği veya basit sorular sorabileceği bir yerdir. Scratch'çiler burada ayrıca Scratch'in yeni üyelerini selamlayabilirler.

Scratch Projeleri Yapmak

  • Help with Scripts: "Need help with your Scratch project? Ask here!" This is where users can ask questions about scripts for their project.
  • Show and Tell: "Tell everyone about your projects and studios." Filled with advertisements, this is where to advertise projects and studios, or check out other users' advertisements.
  • Project Ideas: "A place to give and get help thinking of project ideas." This forum is generally used for helping others and asking others for ideas on Scratch projects, as well as discussing projects that are currently being made.
  • Collaboration: "Join with others to work together on Scratch projects!" This forum is generally used for talking about different organizations, collaborations, and companies Scratchers have made to create projects together.
  • Requests: "Looking for something? Want to offer your skills to others?" This forum is generally used for requesting art for games and the website, as well as programming help. Many users open up shops to offer their skills to others, as well.
  • Project Save & Level Codes: A place to store codes from projects that let Scratchers resume play or show a design they have made.

Scratch Hakkında

  • Questions about Scratch: "Post general questions about Scratch here." This is the place to ask any questions about Scratch. Those questions may ask for programming help, questions on past versions of Scratch, anything about Scratch can be posted here, not just questions.
  • Suggestions: "Discuss ideas for making improvements to Scratch." Most Scratchers have an idea they would like, and this is where to share it. However, Scratch Team member Lightnin posted a stickied topic explaining how to make more helpful suggestions.
  • Bugs and Glitches: "Found a bug in Scratch? Describe it here!" Nothing is perfectly free from bugs, so a way to find them is necessary. This is where to discuss problems, and possibly find a reason why it is occurring.
  • Advanced Topics: "Talk about technical aspects, advanced features, or Scratch Modifications (Mods) here." This forum is where advanced parts of Scratch are discussed, such as editing the System Browser, the Shift-Click-R feature, Scratch Modifications, or Build Your Own Blocks.
  • Connecting to the Physical World: "Topics related to Pico Boards, LEGO WeDo (tm), and connecting Scratch projects to the physical world." This forum is for discussing Sensor Boards and PicoBoards, and almost anything involving them. This forum is rather inactive, due to the small amount of users who have purchased a PicoBoard.
  • Developing Scratch Extensions: "A forum to give and get help creating Scratch Extensions."
  • Open Source Projects: "Forum for all discussions that relate to Scratch's open source projects."

Scratch'in Ötesindeki İlgi Alanları

  • Things I'm Making and Creating: "Discuss things you are creating or exploring outside of Scratch, like art, music, programming languages, or crafts." This forum allows Scratchers to discuss any project that they are working on, even if it is not related to Scratch.
  • Things I'm Reading and Playing: "Discuss books, TV, movies, art, music, or video games that inspire you." A relaxing forum enjoyed by most Scratchers, many subjects are discussed here. Topics should not be about TBGs.

Dünya Çapında Scratch

Main article: Language Forums

Forums for non-English languages are available for discussion in non-English languages. The forums in Scratch Around the World are:

  • African
  • Indonesian
  • Catalan
  • German
  • Greek
  • Spanish
  • Persian
  • French
  • Hebrew
  • Korean
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Japanese
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Turkish
  • Chinese

There are two other forums for other purposes:

  • Other Languages: "For languages not listed above" This forum is used for hosting topics that do not contain their own forums in Other Languages.
  • Translating Scratch: This is where to discuss translations; for example, a mistaken translation should be pointed out here.


Main article: Signature
The largest height allowed for a forum signature

A forum signature is a message displayed at the bottom of posts. Signatures are created on a per-user basis, appending the signature to the posts created by the initiating user. Signatures support post content, although images can only be 155 px maximum.[3] The Scratch Discussion Forums offers the ability to change signatures through the discussion footer.[4] This signature can be as creative as one would like as long as it follows the Scratch Community Guidelines and Terms of Use.


The forum signature supports any content that posts support but with a fixed height. Forum signatures commonly contain:

  • Advertisements for projects, shops, collaborations, etc.
  • A favorite quote
  • Information about the user
  • A banner/image by the user
  • News the user wants to share
  • Links to user's creations
  • A banner with the username

Signatures have been used in many ways. Scratchers have programmed APIs in PHP to display special images which change automatically based on online information. These images can give up-to-date data on topics like a user's most recent projects, its Project Statistics, whether or not a user is online, or even a user's post count.[5] Similarly, Scratchers have created custom Scratch blocks whose text is their username, or the name of a project.

Gizli Forumlar

A 403 error that appears when attempting to access a restricted topic on Google Chrome. Other browsers may display a blank page.

Private forums are forums only accessible by certain users. They have a number of uses, but usually they exist for planning purposes and to hide information from those who should not see it. Only the Scratch Team can create a private forum.

Scratch'te Gizli Forumları Olan Konuların Listesi

403 Erişim Yasak Hatası

Main article: 403 Error

When one attempts to view a private forum section, topic, or post that they do not have access to, they will get a 403 Error.

Konuları Takip Etme

The button that allows following a topic
The button to unfollow a topic.

Users have the capability of following topics of their choice by clicking the blue "Follow Discussion" button at the top of a forum page. When following a topic, whenever someone posts on that topic, the followers will receive a notification telling them so. By default, when a user creates a topic, it is automatically followed by the creator, but one can unfollow a topic. When a topic that is followed is opened, instead of the "Follow Discussion" button a grey "Unfollow Discussion" button at the top will appear, in which one can click to opt out of receiving notifications on new posts. A user will receive messages as the topic is updated.

Mobil Görünüm

A screenshot of the mobile forums on a Kindle Fire HD

At the bottom of every forum page is the option to switch to the mobile forums. This only works for the forums, as the rest of the Scratch website only uses standard view. When switched to mobile viewing, the text in users' posts is adjusted to be more legible. Profile pictures and signatures do not display in the mobile view, which may speed up the time for a page to load. The blocks plugin currently does not render when in the mobile view. To switch back to standard view, click the "Standard" link at the bottom.


Main article: BBCode

BBCode is a collection of formatting tags that are used to format users' forum posts. BBCode is based on the same principle as, and is very similar to, HTML. BBCode can be used for things such as text formatting, links, and images.

Görsel Yüklemek

To upload images to the Scratch forum, an approved image hosting service must be used. Only images on the image host list can be used.

Gönderileri Düzenlemek

Main article: Edit Post

Posts can be edited after posting. The first post can be edited by the author to change the topic name. New Scratchers cannot edit their posts after 24 hours have passed, for the purpose of preventing users from saying something mean or inappropriate and changing it after other users see it.[citation needed]

Tüm Gönderileri Görüntüleme

A rather hidden feature on the forums is the ability to view, for a logged-in user, all of their posts and topics. These can be accessed by scrolling to the bottom and clicking on the "Show your topics/posts" links. "Topics" is a separate link from "posts" and will display all the various topics the user has posted on. It is not restricted to topics the user actually created. Clicking on the post link will display all the user's posts in multi-page format in chronological order from newest to oldest. Editing a post does not affect its chronological positioning in the sequence of a user's posts.

Gönderi Sayısı

When a user makes a post, the number of posts that they have is shown under their username. The exact post count is not displayed directly except a user's own post list (which is not visible to other users), but is rounded to certain other numbers:

  • 1-100 posts: The exact number of posts is shown
  • 101-500 posts: The number of posts is shown as 100+ posts
  • 501-1000 posts: The number of posts is shown as 500+ posts
  • 1001+ posts: The number of posts is shown as 1000+ posts


Post counts are somewhat controversial on Scratch, as some Scratchers have requested exact post counts,[7] while other want post counts removed completely.[8] However, the general consensus is that the current system works fine, because it prevents bragging and stops Scratchers with few posts feeling isolated among Scratchers with thousands of posts.[9][10]

Bir Konuyu Kapatmak

If a topic has been open for 24 hours, the person that created the topic can close it. Topics may also be closed by the Scratch Team. Closing topics disallows posting to the topic and removes the link to edit posts, although posts can still be edited directly. Closing topics does not remove the ability to report posts in the topic. Only members of the Scratch Team can re-open topics after they have been closed. Scratch Team members can also post on topics even after they are closed.[11]

The close topic button.

Non-Scratch Team Re-Opened Topics

Archive.png This article or section documents a feature not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

There was a now defunct method to re-open forum topics with a URL.[12] This vulnerability was fixed at an unknown date.


Main article: Sticky

A sticky is a forum topic that is stuck to the top of its forum, and does not have to be bumped back up. Moderators and the Scratch Team can sticky a thread. They are used to make important topics readily available. A Scratcher can report a topic to be stickied using the Report button, to let a moderator know about it. Some examples of stickies would be the Collaboration Directory or the Helpful topics for Questions about Scratch stickies. In forums where there are too many stickies, the ITopic system is used, but some forums use both systems.

YouTube Videoları

Main article: Scratch YouTube Video Player

Any YouTube video linked to on the forums will open the video in a Scratch YouTube viewer hosted in the Scratch Discussion Forums. The player uses the YouTube embed instead of linking to YouTube directly. This will hide comments, likes, the title and description, and suggested videos on that YouTube video.

Teknik Bilgi

The Scratch Forums are currently based on DjangoBB, a forum framework based on PunBB in Python.

In the old forums, the forum software used was FluxBB, written in PHP.

Scratch 1.4 Forumları

Archive.png This article or section documents a feature not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.
Main article: Discussion Forums (1.4)

With the release of Scratch 2.0, the forums were started fresh. The old forums were archived and can be seen here. The current forums contain posts made during the alpha and beta phases of 2.0.

Ayrıca Bakınız


Note Note: This forum is no longer public, and is not accessible by those in Scratch Helper Groups anymore. It is also no longer used by Scratch Helper Groups as it has been replaced by other private forums.



  1. topic:269283
  2. topic:269283
  3. post:3619524
  4. ar-topic:64276
  5. ar-topic:69113
  7. clearlywalsh. (13/12/2013). "I think it would be nice if under your username it showed the total number of posts you had posted, not just 100+, 500+, and 1000+." (topic:22930)
  8. MathlyCat. (10/2/2016). "It puts almost a ranking system that Scratch doesn't want." (topic:182858)
  9. MegaApuTurkUltra. (27/10/2015). "It's so that newer Scratchers aren't alienated when they see experienced users with enormous amounts of posts." (post:1557568)
  10. NoxSpooth. (13/12/2013). "The post count is like this to prevent competition between Scratchers and/or bragging." (post:206036)
  11. cheddargirl "Mods have the ability to comment on closed topics. This way, a topic can be closed to prevent further spam while the mod types up a closing remark. " projects:427527093/#comments-198612724
  13. Talk:Discussion Forums#Scratch Helper Groups Forum - Does it still exist? "I can confirm that it is no longer used by Scratch Helper Groups and is not accessible by those in a Scratch Helper Group."
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