From Test-Scratch-Wiki

< User:Dahipuri

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This Wiki has has multiple Homepages because it's for creating new Wikis. A Scratch Wiki Home for each language and a About/Test Scratch Wiki Home for each languages community creating that Wiki. See the FAQ for more information.
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स्क्रैच विकी समुदाय विकी को अन्य भाषाओं में बढ़ाना चाहता है। अगर आप स्क्रैच विकी का अन्य भाषाओं में अनुवाद करना चाहते हैं तो आप इसे पढ़ते रहें। स्क्रैच विकी समुदाय आपको शुरू करने में मदद करेगा।

शुरू करने के लिए कुछ अच्छी जगह:

— हर विदेशी स्क्रैच विकी का डोमेन

  • International-Scratch-Wiki-FAQ - FAQ अपनी भाषा में स्क्रैच-विकी बनाने और बनाए रखने के बारे में अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न। आपके मन में आने वाले हर सवाल का जवाब देने की कोशिश करता है ।
    • [1] इस स्क्रैच फोरम थ्रेड में नये सवाल पूछें
  • Special:RequestAccount - to create your account here. Instructions on what to say are present on that page.
  • Test-Scratch-Wiki:Real Scratch Wikis - Check if Scratch-Wiki for your language already exists
  • How-To-Scratch-Wiki - basic information on how to set up a test wiki here
  • Scratch Wiki:Become a Contributor - Getting an account
  • translating the wiki

— forum-topic about translating the wiki

— Weekly refreshed numbers of edits, articles, active users, admins

— overview Link-Tables about all existing Scratch-Wikis their users, admins,activities, setup-parameters and so on. Very helpful to find these informations in forign-language Wikis if you cant't read that language ;-)

— Thread for those, who want to help building international wikis by coaching the new international authors - contains also a sub-thread at a thread that brought this Test-Wiki into existence: see: How this whole thing started

New Scratch Wikis begin life in the Test Scratch Wiki. The Test Scratch Wiki is basically a giant sandbox where Scratchers can create Scratch articles in their language. If a wiki becomes big enough with enough active contributors, it will branch off into its own official Wiki website.

If we approve of your account application, we'll create an account in the Test Wiki for you. We'll notify you, then you can start making articles, templates, categories and so on in the namespace of your language (eg. Eng for english).

Good luck!

- The Scratch Wiki team

Test Scratch Wiki Coaches

User From Coach Status
ErnieParke (Scratch user, contribs, talk) USA sysop all Scratch Wikis
LiFaytheGoblin (Scratch user, contribs, talk) Germany Scratch Team member; admin international Scratch Wikis, bureaucrat English Scratch Wiki
Hamish752 (Scratch user, contribs, talk) Australia Experienced Wikian English Scratch Wiki
KrIsMa (Scratch user, contribs, talk) USA admin English Scratch Wiki
Jvvg (Scratch user, contribs, talk) USA sysop all Scratch Wikis
Kenny2scratch (Scratch user, contribs, talk) Hong Kong sysop all Scratch Wikis
MakeTheBrainHappy (Scratch user, contribs, talk) USA Administrator on the English, Test, Russian, and Hungarian Scratch Wikis (InterWiki)
Frodewin (Scratch user, contribs, talk) Austria user Dach Scratch Wiki
Programmer1121 (Scratch user, contribs, talk) Germany user English Scratch Wiki
Mtwoll (Scratch user, contribs, talk) Germany admin + sysop + sponsor international Scratch Wikis
Lirex (talk | contribs) Germany admin + sysop international Scratch Wikis
Admin (talk | contribs) Germany controlled by de:User:Akhof; admin + sysop international Scratch Wikis


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