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类别 音效类积木
形狀 条形积木

The Stop All Sounds 积木 is a 音效类积木 as well as a 条形积木. The block will stop any sounds currently being played on all 角色s and the 舞台. Pressing the 停止标志 button will also stop all sounds, but is rarely used as it also stops all the other scripts running in the 专案.


As this block stops all playing sounds, it is widely used when a music track (and sound effects) must cease. This is often for events such as pausing the 专案 or muting it.

Some common uses for the Stop All Sounds block:

  • Stopping any playing sounds before the project moves to the next scene (used in animation)
當收到訊息 [attack v]
播放音效 [Jaws music... v]
廣播訊息 [Shark! v]
  • Stopping songs that are playing in a music player project
當收到訊息 [pause v]
造型換成 [not playing music v]
  • In a project that gives you the option for music or not, turning off the music
當 @greenflag 被點擊
  如果 <(mute) = [Yes]> 那麼 

Related suggestions

Some users suggest a block which could stop a certain sound.[1]

stop sound [pop v]//category=sound


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